Healing Like Woverine
None of this is advice, i’m not a doctor, i’m a martial artists who owns a cryotherapy unit with a stubborn mind, a healthy delusion of whats possible and authority issues .
So the day i broke both my heels and the surgeon told me, due to the extent of the damage it would be six months to a year before i walked again.
The heel bone “calcaneus” is a very dense bone with low blood flow and therefore the slowest healing in the body.
“If your injury is minor, such as a crack in the bone with little muscle damage, you may be able to resume normal activities from 3 to 4 months after surgery. If your fracture is severe, however, it may take from 1 to 2 years before recovery is complete.”
BOLD STATEMENT (delusional mind remember)
I’ll need NO physio, I’m walking in less than ten weeks as expected, i will have zero complications moving forward, i will experience no pain, no issues and will be stronger than before the accident.
I have no intention of simply recovering, i WILL be stronger than before
I knew i had a fight on, and i did indeed fight.
In the video you can see my recovery week by week and what i did physically
Below the video are links and a list of all treatments and supplements i used
Happy healing
OH YES – Never ever be told what you can and cannot do. (
Supplements & Treatments
- Cryotherapy – I did this quite intensively
- Hyperbaric chamber – 3 times a week
In Lincoln this is at the MS centre on St Giles, link to them below. Also a link to some interesting use cases
Peptide injections – Read up on it below, a huge infact remarkable product.
3. TB500 here’s a link to a trusted user review
4.BPC 157 as above
Acupuncture with Sarah Ray at Lindum acupuncture
High quality curcumin for inflammation, I used this one but there are cheaper ones available
COMFREY CREAM, my grandma would have called this “Bone Knit” used many moons ago for broken bone and bone healing
CBD muscle rub – Lincs CryoLab
CBD Oil for inflammation – Lincs CryoLab,
There you have it
Along with a relentless positive attitude, i even caught covid during the process which took me down for a few days. Back on my feet in six weeks, walking normally with shoes on in less than ten
Its quite possible its all in the mind eh
Because i believed i could, so i did